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Getting quality medicines closer to people who need them most is our priority. Apotheker strives to contribute to strengthening pharmaceutical services and enhancing medicines access to the rural and underserved communities in Tanzania and other developing Countries. We do this by working closely with relevant pharmaceutical regulatory authorities, partners, service providers and beneficiaries. We believe that public-private partnership is key to improving medicines access. Engagement of private sector service providers especially at the community level such as retail pharmacies and Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDO) and similar models in other Countries is a cornerstone for access to quality medicines and pharmaceutical services.
We provide our support through capacity building, basic and refresher training, provision of working tools and onsite supportive supervision. We also collaborate with technology partners to deploy the human-centered design methodology for digital tools and platform development that aims at increasing efficiencies, improving the quality of work, reducing workload, and increasing data visibility, use and transparency.

To bring essential medicines to those who need them most, focusing on rural and underserved areas.
Through partnerships with pharmaceutical authorities and stakeholders, and by fostering public-private collaborations.
Private sector providers, especially at the community level like retail pharmacies and ADDOs, are key to ensuring access to quality medicines and services.
They collaborate with technology partners to create digital tools and platforms that enhance efficiency, quality, and data transparency.