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New Publication: Published: 30 July 2024
Angel Dillip, Gloria Kahamba, Richard Sambaiga, Elizabeth Shekalaghe, Ntuli Kapologwe, Erick Kitali, James Tumaini Kengia, Tumaini Haonga, Simon Nzilibili, Mark Tanda, Yasini Haroun, Rachel Hofmann, Rebecca Litner, Riccardo Lampariello, Suleiman Kimatta, Sosthenes Ketende, Johanitha James, Khadija Fumbwe, Fatma Mahmoud, Oscar Lugumamu, Christina Gabunda, Ally Salim, Megan Allen, Eden Mathew, Melania Nkaka, Jafary Liana, Toby Norman, Romuald Mbwasi & Nandini
Human Centred Approach to Digital Technologies in Health Care Delivery
Haroun, Y., Sambaiga, R., Sarkar, N. Dillip A et al. A human centred approach to digital technologies in health care delivery among mothers, children and adolescents. BMC Health Serv Res 22, 1393 (2022).
A Social Resilience Study in Rural Tanzania
Obrist, B.; Dillip, A.; Kalolo, A.; Mayumana, I.M.; Rutishauser, M.; Simon, V.T. Savings Groups for Social Health Protection: A Social Resilience Study in Rural Tanzania. Diseases 2022, 10, 63.
National Health Insurance Fund's Relationship to Drug Outlets
Embrey, M., Mbwasi, R., Shekalaghe, E. et al. National Health Insurance Fund’s relationship to retail drug outlets: a Tanzania case study. J of Pharm Policy and Pract 14, 21 (2021).
Formative Study for Afya-Tek Digitised Health Initiative.
Sarkar N, Dillip A.: Towards a digitally-enabled, community-based responsive health system in Tanzania: A formative study for the Afya-Tek digitised health initiative. Abstract publication in
The Lancet Global Health, April 2020.
Dillip A, Kimatta S, Embrey M, Chalker JC, Valimba R, Malliwah M, Meena J, Lieber R, Johnson K (2017). Can formalizing links among community health workers, accredited drug dispensing outlet dispensers, and health facility staff increase their collaboration to improve prompt access to maternal and child care? A qualitative study in Tanzania. BMC Health Services Research, (2017) 17:416 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2382-111.
Embrey M , Vaile-Valentine, Dillip A, Kihiyo B, Mbwasi R, Semali IA, Chalker CJ, Liana J, Lieber R, Johnson K, Rutta E, , Shekalaghe E, , Ross-Degan D (2016). Understanding the Role of Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in Tanzania’s Health System. PLoS ONE, 11(11), e0164332.
Shemdoe, A., Mbaruku, G., Dillip, A., Bradley, S., William, J., Wason, D., & Hildon, Z. J.-L. (2016). Explaining retention of healthcare workers in Tanzania: moving on, coming to “look, see and go”, or stay? Human Resources for Health, 14, 2.
Chalker, J. C., Vialle-Valentin, C., Liana, J., Mbwasi, R., Semali, I. A., Kihiyo, B., Shekalaghe E, DIllip A, Ross-Degnan, D. (2015). What roles do accredited drug dispensing outlets in Tanzania
play in facilitating access to antimicrobials? Results of a multi-method analysis. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, 4, 33.
Dillip A, Embrey M, Shekalaghe E, Ross-Degan D, Viale-Valentine C, Kimatta S, Liana J,Rutta E, Valima R, Chalker J: What motivates antibiotic dispensing in accredited drug dispensing outlets in Tanzania? A qualitative study. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2015, 4:30.
Dillip. A, Alba S, Mshana C, Hetzel M., Liana J, Lengeler C,, I. Mayumana I, Schulze A, Mshinda H, Obrist B: Mystery shopping in community drug shops: Research as development in rural Tanzania. Malaria Journal 2012, 11 (Supp 1):019.
Dillip. A, Alba S, Mshana C, Hetzel M., Lengeler C,, I. Mayumana I, Schulze A, Mshinda H, Weiss M.G, Obrist B: Acceptability – A Neglected Dimension of Access to Health Care: Findings from a study on childhood convulsions in rural Tanzania. BMC Health Services Research 2012, 12:113.
Alba S, M.W.Hetzel, Goodman C, Dillip A, Liana J, Mshinda H and Lengeler C: Improvements in Access to malaria Treatment after switch to Artemisinin combination therapy and the introduction of accredited drug dispensing outlets- a provider perspective. Malaria Journal 2010, 9:164.
Alba S, Dillip A, Hetzel M, Mayumana I, Mshana C, Makemba A, Alexander M, Obrist B, Schulze A, Kessy F, Mshinda H, Lengeler C: Improvements in access to malaria treatment in Tanzania following community, retail sector and health facility interventions-a user perspective. Malaria Journal 2010, 9: 163.
Dillip. A, M.W.Hetzel, D Gosoniu, F. Kessy, Lengeler C, I. Mayumana, C. Mshana, H. Mshinda, A. Schulze, C.Pfeiffer, M.G Weiss M, B. Obrist: Socio-cultural factors explaining timely and appropriate use of health facilities for degedege in south-eastern Tanzania. Malaria Journal 2009, 8:144.
Hetzel, M. W., A. Dillip, C. Lengeler, B. Obrist, J.J. Msechu, A. Makemba, C. Mshana, A. Schulze, H. Mshinda (2008) Malaria treatment in the retail sector: Drug sellers’ knowledge and practices in rural Tanzania. BMC Public Health 2008; 8:157.
Hetzel, M. W., N. Iteba, C. Lengeler, B. Obrist, A. Dillip, S. Alba, A. Makemba, C. Mshana, A. Schulze, H. Mshinda (2007) Improving access to prompt and effective malaria treatment: better drugs are not enough. Tropical Medicine and International Health 12(s1): 32-33.
Dillip A, Embrey M, Shekalaghe E, Ross-Degan D, Viale-Valentine C, Kimatta S, Liana J,Rutta E, Valima R, Chalker J: What motivates antibiotic dispensing in accredited drug dispensing outlet in Tanzania?A qualitative study. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2015, 4:30.
Obrist, B., N. Iteba, C. Lengeler, A. Makemba, C. Mshana, R. Nathan, S. Alba, A. Dillip, M. Hetzel, I. Mayumana, A. Schulze, H. Mshinda (2007) Access to Health Care in Contexts of Livelihood Insecurity: A Framework for Analysis and Action. PLoS Medicine October 2007; 4(10):1584-1588